Obedience is best

Feeling this so deep right now.

Been in a season of reassessing. Obedience keeps surfacing. I heard a hot preacher say one time “Delayed obedience is disobedience.” That hot preacher man happened to be my forever love.

Anyways, when the Lord instructs us and gives us direction on what to do, we should be quick to obey. Preaching to myself rn.

Often times we get caught up in doing so many “good things”, but good things are not always the God thing for that season of our life.

I guess this can just serve as a gentle reminder to stay in obedience. The quicker we obey and submit and surrender, the greater the opportunity we have to hear from the Lord on what is next.

If He seems silent in your life right now, revisit the LAST thing he gave you to do…whether it be grow in intimacy with Him or to surrender that relationship or to sprint in your calling or to move…you have to take that to Him.

If you feel stuck, ask Holy Spirit to refresh you on what the last thing was the Lord showed you for your life.

Remember, delayed obedience is actual disobedience.

Obedience may cost you something. Are you willing to pay?

Ashley McDonald